Interesting that.
I myself was flopped in Relto, recovering from the 'snot age experience. Yes, I know that's not how it's spelled, but it'll be forever engrained in my head as the "'snot age". Anyhow... I've been firmly on the side of giving the DRC the benefit of the doubt in most cases. This time, though, I think they're smoking something. I could deal with the leaking water, cause if I was going to get electrocuted, it would have happened the moment I linked in. I can deal with the funky luminescent water, we're used to that with the Lake.
But the non-steady flikering red lights? I was in the age for less than five minutes with those on, and I reltoed out and promptly barfed over the side of my own private island. If there's anything below relto, they have no love for me now, that's for sure.